HSCL Courses and Newsletter 

Class of 2022

Some memories of the last 8 years as the class of 2022 graduate. 8 quick years we wish them well. 

Lifting of Restrictions for Schools.

Dear Parents

I have received a Guidance Letter from the Dept. of Education, asking that school life return to normal. It states that in general, schools should now resume normal routines and normal teaching and learning activities.

The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms remains – for students and staff alike.

Our School will continue to promote good hygiene by hand washing or use of hand sanitisers.

Mask wearing is no longer a requirement for staff or pupils in school. Staff and pupils can continue to wear a face covering/masks if they wish to do so. While the wearing of face masks is no longer a requirement, I would encourage mask wearing for pupils for the next while as we monitor cases in the school. Staff and pupils are still testing positive with Covid.

Ventilation of corridors and classrooms is still essential, and Windows will continue to remain open. Classroom Pods or social distancing will not need to be established or maintained. School cleaning regimes will continue along with handwashing and sanitising.

Singing and normal class activities along with extracurricular activities are allowed to resume.

As part of the transition arrangements the HSE will continue with the current processes to support the provision of antigen tests to primary schools, special schools, and childcare settings. The Antigen Free phone number is: 1800 110055 or parents may order antigen tests online via www.hse.ie/schooltest. The call centre opening hours will be altered slightly and from next week onwards will be 8:45am to 6:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Participation in antigen testing is voluntary, therefore it is not necessary for parents to share information with the school about whether they have requested antigen tests, nor to confirm negative antigen tests. Children who are well should continue to come to school whether they participate in antigen testing or not.

In school, realise that coming out of restrictions causes anxiety as entering into them. We will gradually return to normal while trying to keep everyone safe.

My thanks to you as parents, all for your co-operation and goodwill in keeping our school safe over what has been a very long and challenging period.

Yours Sincerely,

John Murrell Principal.

Vaccinations for children- HSE letter for parents

This letter is to inform you about recent updates to the Health Service Executive (HSE) COVID-19
vaccination programme.
The HSE continue to rollout the COVID-19 vaccination programme and with over 90% of those aged 12
years and above fully vaccinated.
For anyone aged 12 and over who hasn’t had their COVID-19 vaccine yet; dose 1 or 2 they can register
on https://vaccine.hse.ie/ for an appointment in a HSE clinic. People can also talk to their GP or local
pharmacy about getting their COVID-19 vaccine. Booster clinics are also open for eligible people aged
16 years and older. Visit www.hse.ie for more information.

COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years
The National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) recommends parents and guardians consider
vaccinating their 5 to 11 year old children.
COVID-19 vaccine is particularly recommended if children:
 Have a health condition that puts them at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19
 live with a younger child or adult who is at risk of severe illness if they get COVID-19 e.g.
another child with complex medical needs, or an immunocompromised adult
The vaccine that will be offered to children aged 5 to 11 years is Comirnaty® Children’s formulation.
Children in this age group will be given a smaller dose of the vaccine than adults.
Parents and guardians can register their child for their vaccine online at https://vaccine.hse.ie/.
As part of this stage of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, information for people considering
vaccinating their children including information about the benefits and risk of vaccination and
information about how to get vaccinated is available on https://bit.ly/HSEC19511
A cartoon strip has also been developed to help children understand what will happen when they go to
a HSE clinic to get their COVID-19 vaccine https://bit.ly/C19Cartoon511


Scoil Phádraig Naofa have been successful in becoming a Creative Schools for 2020-2022. The boys in Scoil Phádraig have been busy exploring what creativity means to them over the past year collaborating with Aideen McHugh our Creative Associate for Creative Schools.

The boys have many interesting, fun ideas that they are really excited in exploring over the coming months through their voted chosen area of Cookery & Food. The boy’s voice has been and will continue to be paramount in the decision making and focus for their Creative Schools project.

We would love to hear from parents, local trades, crafts enthusiasts, artists and others who are interested and willing to give of their time in leading, collaborating, sharing skills and knowledge in helping shape a showcase for the boys this year. The boys have decided to showcase all their work culminating in a festival. A date to be confirmed in June.  

Please contact Creative Schools Coordinators Caroline Greene & Gráinne McEvoy at spncreativeschools@gmail.com


Enrolment Forms available to download under Enrolment and Policies tab on About page

Christmas Fundraiser

Massive congratulations to Senan in Miss Murphys First Class on winning the raffle today. A total of €448.80 was raised for Mountmellick Central Hub and St. Vincent de Paul, big thanks to all who donated

Covid Response Plan September 2021

Covid School Response Plan Aug 21.pdf

Class of 2021 Farewell Memories

Below you will see how far the Class of 2021 have come on their journey through Primary School, 8 quick years, we wish them well! 

Transitioning to Post Primary School

Please see attached details for contact information on all Post Primary schools in the area